Organize and provide resources for Mentoring and Networking.
About Mentoring & Networking Ministry
Create a database of professions, skills, careers, or special interest within NAGSDA YaYA (Youth and Young Adult) Ministries for easy access to members.

Organize and provide resources for Mentoring and Networking.

Skill Development

Develop and initiate Mentoring & Networking programs, activities, and events within the NAGSDA YaYA (Youth and Young Adult) Ministries to ensure support for career & skills development


Create a database of professions, skills, careers, or special interest within NAGSDA YaYA (Youth and Young Adult) Ministries for easy access to members


Develop and lead out in the execution of plans and programs to support and ensure Public campus ministry initiatives led by college students.

 Initiate programs, activities, and events within the NAGSDA YaYA (Youth and Young Adult) Ministries to promote networking and mentorship among members and encourage youth fellowship.

Youth Ministry Leaders
Leader, Mentoring & Networking Ministry
Media Gallery